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Robert O'Brien

Current Projects

Waiting In Sóller

Amid the vast canvas of World War II history, inspired by “Band of Brothers” and the valor of the 101st Airborne, lies a story of love between John, a gallant soldier, and Mary, a vibrant Spanish woman from Sóller, Mallorca. Their paths cross in war-ravaged Paris, where amidst the tumult, a delicate romance flourishes.

John, fighting with the 101st, is bewitched by Mary’s indomitable spirit. Paris, besieged yet enduring, hosts their growing love, with the Eiffel Tower standing as a steadfast symbol of hope. Despite the city being a stage of conflict, their connection deepens, illustrating that even during strife, love endures.

Their story is one of heartfelt promises and the dream of reunion as John marches to battle and Mary returns to Mallorca. Though separated by war’s cruel tide, their hearts remain entwined, each beating with the rhythm of hope and the enduring power of love.



Meet Alex, a lawyer with a murky moral background who faces his reckoning in the celestial Recycling Center. Offered a unique opportunity for redemption, he navigates a cycle of reincarnation, transforming from a humble mosquito into various other animals. His adventures unfold in the iconic setting of New York’s Central Park, where he becomes part of the “Alice Gang,” a diverse group of animals and insects that gather around the famed Alice in Wonderland statue.

As Alex undergoes uproarious misadventures and deepening friendships, he starts to grasp the true virtues of love, sacrifice, and community. Each challenge he faces earns him celestial points, drawing him closer to his ultimate goal of heavenly ascension. Both a humorous escapade and a reflective journey, the tale serves as a poignant reminder that it’s never too late for personal growth and ethical transformation.

Aeritheria: Dawns Prelude

In the 22nd century, the discovery of Athenium, an endless clean power supply, was ultimately weaponized, leading to Earth’s devastation. From the ruins arose Aeritheria, a metropolis where the line between man and machine fades, where perfection is not just sought but enforced, and where power is the ultimate pursuit. The Ministry’s relentless grasp over humanity’s remnants intensifies daily. Emotions are regulated; every act serves the Ministry. With the initiation of the Reclamation, a dark plan to purge the city of its “imperfect” citizens, murmurs of a forgotten resistance named DAWN rekindle, igniting hope in the hearts of the subjugated.
Zane, a resolute rebel haunted by a tumultuous past, roams the countryside in his striking red Corvette—a beacon of defiance against the Ministry’s supremacy. Poised between the clandestine stirrings of rebellion and the overwhelming force of the Ministry, he becomes a pivotal figure in the resurgence of revolt. In a world of deception, where trust is a rare commodity, Zane embarks on a perilous quest. Drawing upon the legacy of his mother, aided by unexpected allies from the resistance’s remnants in the northeast, he faces the lethal might of the Ministry’s security force, the Astralus. The future of Aeritheria hinges on Zane’s ability to unearth the secrets of the past and rally a fractured resistance against an omnipotent adversary.

Aeritheria: Rhapsody’s Echo

In “Rhapsody’s Echo,” the second volume of the Aeritheria series, a revelation propels Zane into the heart of the resistance: his mother, presumed dead, toils in the oppressive mining complex of Sheol. Fueled by this truth, Zane joins the fight to shatter the Ministry’s iron grip over the citizens.

The resistance is poised to broadcast “Rhapsody’s Echo,” a forbidden melody of uprising, throughout Aeritheria, coupled with the unveiling of the Reclamation horrors. This act of defiance is orchestrated to ignite a revolution, leveraging the stirring power of music and images to rally a silent majority into action.

As DAWN, a cryptic program with untold potential, is set to disrupt the city’s surveillance, the resistance faces the Ministry’s ruthless crackdown. In a race against time and treachery, Zane must confront his own fears and the perilous journey to rescue his mother.

Will this orchestrated crescendo of rebellion free Aeritheria, or will the dream of liberation crumble into silence? “Rhapsody’s Echo” is a tale of courage and the resonance of collective hope—a clarion call to those who yearn for freedom in a world that has forgotten its power.

Aeritheria: Rebellions Overture

In “Aeritheria: Rebellions Overture, Zane, now the emblematic leader of the resistance, confronts not only the physical dangers posed by the Ministry’s retaliation but also the internal turmoil of his own fears and doubts. His journey is fraught with challenges, not least of which is the daunting task of rescuing his mother from the depths of Sheol.

“Aeritheria: Rebellions Overture” is a story of courage in the face of despair, unity in the midst of division, and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for what they believe in. It is a testament to the power of collective action and the enduring hope for a better future. Will the people of Aeritheria finally break free from the shackles of tyranny, or will their dreams of liberation be crushed under the weight of the Ministry’s might? This final chapter is a resounding answer to that question, a melody of freedom that will echo through the ages.